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Sound Healing


What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing is an ancient art that uses different vibrations to heal the body, mind, and soul. Instruments, or tools, are played in therapeutic ways to generate healing tones.

Sound healing is non invasive. It is the vibrations produced from sound that elevate our frequency and rewire us on an energetic & cellular level.

You do not have to believe in anything for the healing to work, there is no religious element behind it, but it can encourage deep-self reflection.

Everyone has their own unique vibrational frequency, each of your organs and cells carry their own frequency. This is your orchestra, your sound.

Our body's energy field is affected by our environment, actions, thoughts and emotions. Elements from these can get stuck in our field. If this build up of negative energy is not shifted, it becomes denser, creating blockages. The vibration from sound shifts these and detoxes the energy field.

Sound healing has immediate benefits and can be applied to yourself without a practitioner. Learn how to play the bowls with private sessions by Soul Significance

What are the Benefits of a Sound Bath?

Physical, energetic and emotional aspects are healed through sound with the mind, body, and soul consecutively receiving a plethora of benefits from the healing.

Sound has shown to be a vital part of our physical healing process, especially for illness, injuries, and recovering from surgery. The sound vibrations stimulate a release of hormones in the nervous system that aid healing. Sound waves also induce relaxation, which is vital for the body’s ability to heal on its own.

We have the ability to control our own bio-chemistry. Sound helps us to intentionally produce feel good hormones and neurotransmitters, like serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and melatonin.

It is easier to access deeper levels of meditation via sound as the waves alter the frequency of the brain to a theta state. This induces healing brainwaves and allows us to access our intuition and wisdom, have clearer mental imagery, and a closer connection to source.

Any unreleased, or even unconscious, emotions can get stuck in our energy field, which can greatly impact our health and affect how we react in life. If the energy field is cleansed then the resulting behaviours and potential illnesses are also cleared. The sound waves detox these emotions from our energy field.

For those seeking to attain higher levels of consciousness, the crystal singing bowls help to activate the crystal within our pineal gland. The sympathetic resonance between both crystals shakes off fluoride and calcium residue from the pineal gland.

Overall, sound healing restores our natural balance, shifts energy, clear blockages and raises the frequency of our being.

Multiple benefits include:


  • Provides pain relief
  • Lowers and regulates blood pressure
  • Calms overactive adrenals to prevent adrenal burnout
  • Stimulates the immune system for natural healing of the body
  • Slows breathing and heart rate
  • Promotes delta sleep and overcomes sleep problems

Emotional & Mental

  • Creates a deep sense of peace and well being
  • Stress, anxiety, and anger release
  • Eases depression
  • Reduces mind chatter
  • Increases mental clarity
  • Enhances self-esteem and confidence
  • Eases emotional trauma and dissolves emotional blockages

  • Alter consciousness & accelerates growth
  • Detoxes the energy field
  • Cleanses and balances chakras
  • Connect in with your deeper subconscious
  • Receive messages from your Higher Self
  • Connect to Source

What Happens During a Sound Bath?

A sound bath takes you on a journey of the soul, with time out from life to enjoy the ethereal tones of the bowls, and receive their healing.

In a sound bath, you lay down, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, and allow your mind to drift.

It is recommended to lay with your head closest to the bowls to allow the sound vibrations to wash from head to toe. You don’t have to lay still, you may change positions as much as you like, drink water and go to the toilet as you need it - but do have respect for other sound bathers around you.

You will find it easier to enter a meditative state as the sound vibrations alter your consciousness into a relaxing theta brain wave. Your body may feel light, heavy, numb, tingly, or nothing. People often report a feeling of buzzing, which is energy shifting within the body and clearing blockages.

If you do feel shifts in your body, or emotions, or memories arise, don’t attach to them, Just notice them and let them float on past. They are being released. The conscious mind is now aware of them and able to process it accordingly.

During the sound bath some people might go on a journey of enlightenment, some may fall asleep and gently snore, but all are carried away in the ethereal sounds.

There may be moments of silence during the session. Silence allows the body to mimic the frequency from sympathetic resonance.

You will be made aware of when the session is coming to a close by the sound healer gently guiding your awareness back into the room.

After the session the healing will continue to take effect. Be sure to keep fully hydrated, listen to your body, look after yourself, and gift yourself more self love that you so deserve. You will be in a peaceful state, take advantage of it. Journal anything that comes up for you.

During a sound bath have consideration for:

  • Arrive in good time, some sound baths may lock the doors after the start time so not to disturb the event in progress.
  • Make sure you turn your mobile off or to silent - vibrate mode can really be felt when laying on the floor.
  • Put your shoes and belongings to the side of the room, away from mats so not to create distractions or odours.
  • If you are pregnant, have any metal in your body, or have other health issues that may be affected by the sound vibrations, please seek medical advice.

Try a Sound Bath

Why Crystal Singing Bowls?

Crystal Singing Bowls generate angelic and ethereal tones. Their counterparts, Tibetan or Himalayan singing bowls (metal), produce more complex overtones.

Crystal singing bowls are made from pure quartz (99.8% silicon quartz) heated to around 4000 degrees.

Quartz is a very healing crystal. It can absorb energy, including that of your thoughts and intentions, and amplify them out ten fold.

Most crystal bowl sets are tuned to the 7 major chakras, notes from C4 to B4. Each bowl is a different size and usually include colouring relevant to the chakra. Chakras are energy centres in the body, each one connects into different anatomical aspects.

The bowls are very fragile and can even be broken by playing them too hard or loud.

They should be treated with care, and how you cherish your other crystals. They need to be cleansed regularly to rid the energy they absorb, such as sun or moon light, placed on the earth, smudging.

Quartz is a transmitter so it can be programmed with intention, and even generate structured water. It is also an amplifier and will pick up and absorb energy in the room. This is why cleansing is so important.

Pineal Gland

There are micro-crystals within the pineal gland. The crystal singing bowls resonate with the crystals in the pineal gland, which has the highest calcification rate among all organs and tissues in the body. This can reduce the production of melatonin and is associated with a range of neuronal diseases.

When the crystal bowls and crystals in the pineal gland are in resonance, this helps in activation and heightens our level of consciousness.

Other Uses for Crystal Singing Bowls

Great for sleep

Singing bowls help to induce deep (delta) sleep, especially when played immediately before sleeping. They also help with sleep problems.

The bowls relax the body and clear the mind, making an ideal addition to a sleep routine.


The crystal singing bowls absorb and transmit energy so are a perfect companion when manifesting,

The bowls are made of 99% crystal quartz making them a powerful amplifier of thought and intention.

With a good ear you can hear the expansion and contraction of the sound waves when playing the bowls, this makes for optimal points to add in your intention for it to be emitted out into the word.

Cleansing Crystals

Crystal singing bowls can cleanse crystals, water, and other items, clearing negative energy and energising them.

The vibrations can also activate and enhance the crystals natural properties

Intention of the Players

As the bowls absorb and amplify energies, it is important to hold good intentions when you are playing them, especially when others are receiving the sound as these thoughts will be projected out ten fold through the bowls. This also goes to people receiving a sound bath, hold good intentions for your healing.

Your Voice as Sound

Your voice is a powerful healing tool to use on yourself. You body and cells resonate with it immediately through the stimulation of the vagus nerve and pineal gland. These activate the parasympathetic response, calming the body and releasing happy chemicals from the brain.


Sound healing is an ancient methodology and known to be used over 40,000 years ago by the Aboriginal people of Australia. They used the Didgeridoo for a number of treatments, including the healing of broken bones.

Singing bowls were believed to be an integral practice within ancient Buddhism. The bowls were hand crafted in metal, made in accordance with an ancient Tibetan formula.

Modern technology has birthed crystal singing bowls, which were first used as healing tools in the 1990s. I have read they were originally a by-product from the computer industry.

Learn how to play Crystal Singing Bowls

How Sound Affects our Cells?

Sound is not solid, it is a vibration and moves through your aura and electromagnetic field into your physical body. These vibrations are at a higher frequency and raise our electromagnetic field - our vibration.

All matter, including your body, is energy that is vibrating at different rates. By changing the rate of vibration we can change the structure of the matter. The sound waves carry directly into cells and can rearrange the molecules to bring them into resonance.

The atoms in our body vibrate at different speeds, depending on the area of the body. When a cell vibration is out of sync, wobbly, off-ease, dis-ease, it doesn’t vibrate at the normal rate.

Sound healing helps retune the cell via sympathetic resonance, eg, the wobbly cell starts to vibrate in sync. Energy can never be destroyed, but it is transferred and the harmony of the sound waves transforms the disharmony in the body.

It is important to note that the source of the sounds used for healing need to be therapeutic. Sound waves from noises such as traffic or heavy metal can create stress responses in the body

More Science

The vibrations from sound create movement within anything it washes over. Think cymatics which is evidenced with water in a bowl, or salt on a speaker.

As sound travels 5 times more efficiently through water than air, and our body is over 70% water, this makes for a highly efficient form of healing at a cellular level.

We have over 26 types of fluid in our body: blood, spinal fluid, saliva, mucus, sweat, urine - you can guess some more. All this liquid moves in a harmonic dance when receiving sound healing.

Not only do the fluids like to synchronise, but also our heart rate and other parts of the cardiovascular system have been proven to sync with music.

And our brains. The high vibrations can entrain brainwaves, lowering them to quieten the mind allowing greater intuition and clarity.

The rhythmic sound has the ability to coordinate the thinking and behaviour of people in a group.

Get in touch, or ask a question to find out more about Soul Significance Sound Healing

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