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Spiritual Hypnosis

Your personal journey to the spirit realms

Welcome to your personal spiritual hypnosis where you are invited on a profound journey of soulful discovery, spiritual healing, and self empowerment.

Discover your past lifes, read your Akashic Records, or speak to those in other realms these spiritual hypnosis sessions offer a unique opportunity to explore the depths of your super-conscious mind and tap into your innate spiritual wisdom.

During our sessions, you will be gently guided into a deeply relaxed state where the conscious mind takes a back seat, allowing the subconscious and super-conscious minds to come to the forefront. In this heightened state of awareness, you'll have the opportunity to access and explore the rich tapestry of inner worlds, outer worlds, and other worlds, uncovering hidden truths, insights, and potentials about yourself that will take you forward in life.

Whether you're seeking clarity on your life's purpose, resolution of past traumas, or simply a deeper connection with your higher self, our spiritual hypnosis sessions can provide a powerful catalyst for transformation and growth. By accessing the sub & super-conscious minds, we can bypass limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, facilitating profound healing on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

Our sessions are, tailored to meet your individual needs and goals. Through gentle guidance and unconditional support, you are held in a safe and nurturing space to explore the depths of your being and unlock the full potential of your spiritual journey.

Whether you're a seasoned seeker or new to the world of spirituality, our spiritual hypnosis service offers a safe and effective pathway to self-discovery, spiritual healing, and empowerment.

Take the first step towards a brighter, more fulfilling future and schedule your session today.

Client Feedback:

I have been working with Becky over a course of 6+ months and had multiple spiritual hypnosis sessions with her, targeting subconscious blocks in a wide range of areas.

All the sessions have been deeply relaxing and have given me confidence and inner peace in some key areas of focus and change in my life.

As an experienced Hypno-Coach, Becky has been absolutely fantastic to work with. She is an extremely good listener who takes time to deeply understand any pain-points you might wish to address, and explains the techniques she uses well and clearly so you have full understanding of what hypnosis is and how it works.

Becky has a wonderful, calm energy and a soothing, comforting voice that quickly puts you in a state of deep relaxation, and I’ve always felt so at peace after the sessions, knowing that the subconscious is being re-programmed in the background.

All her sessions are individually tailored and recorded, so you can re-listen to them at any time to cement the subconscious messages.

I highly recommend Becky as a Hypno-Coach if you are looking to address any limiting beliefs, awaken your soul, raise your vibration and connect with Source.

- Liis @ Sparkle Creative Studio

Your Personal Spiritual Hypnosis Session

Booking Your Session

  • Save 10% on 3 sessions.
  • On the order page you will see a drop down with a list of topics to choose from.
  • After payment you will be directed to a calendar to book in your session (you will also receive an email with a link to it)

What You Need To Prepare

  • Please consider what questions you have to ask the spirit realm. The best questions are from the perspective of "what will help you get to where you want" rather than asking what the end outcome will be.

How The Session Runs

  • Each session will start with a consultation on areas you wish to explore so that your questions can be asked during your journey. 
  • You will then be guided into a relaxed state to raise your vibration and reach the spiritual realms. 
  • We will ask your questions and explore the answers that come through.

In Person Sessions

  • For in person sessions - crystal singing bowls will be used to support the journey.
  • Sessions are held in Wynnum, QLD. Travel to your location will be considered.

Online Sessions

  • Online sessions are via Zoom, clients are serviced worldwide.
  • Videos must be on with a clear view of you.
  • You will need to sit upright with your back and head supported.
  • A good power supply and internet connection is required
  • Head phones will amplify the experience
  • Distraction free and undisturbed 
  • (Apologies that Zoom is not supportive of sound instruments so cannot be used for online sessions)

Sessions by Soul Significance are with the loving intention for you to connect deeper with your soul self.

Spiritual Hypnosis is available in the following sessions

Past Life Regression

You will be guided through meditation to connect into a past life. You may discover who you were and what kind of life you lived previously, and uncover learnings and spot themes relevant to this life.

There are different variations of past life journeys offered, such as:

Using your favourite crystal

The Rainbow Bridge

The Room of Mirrors 

and more

So bring along your curiosity, pen, paper, and any questions for your past life self

Meet Your Higher Self

Our Higher Self is always with us but often we don't seek its guidance, we don't listen, we're not connected.

This sound journey will bridge that lost connection and open up the spiritual heart to communicate with our highest self, who is always there, cheering us on, loving us unconditionally.

You will learn easy ways to connect in daily and build a strong, loving relationship with your Higher Self.

Deepen your relationship with self now.


I Love You, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You.

Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing to release energetic ties from people in your life, and clear remnant energies that may still be attached through our exchanges and engagements in life.

This process allows you to tap into your own healing powers through love and forgiveness of self. You cut the cords that are holding you back.

This healing prayer is a ‘reset recipe’ without the need to dig into the root cause of the issue. It’s simple, just allow Creation to do the work for you. It heals.

This mantra invites the Divine to clear and clean the collective unconscious, the unconscious, the subconscious, and the conscious mind.

This is a clearing of old programming that may arise as beliefs, memories, thoughts, and emotions, so that we may be energetically cleansed, reset, and free to move forward.

Intuition Opening

Have you ever wondered how to tap into your inner guidance? And how to distinguish your ego mind from your soulful self?

What does your intuition feel like? This session awakens your intuition and allows you to hear your inner voice.

We will discover where this sits in your field and tune in so that you become familiar with its loving tone to be able to access it in daily life.

Manifest Your Beloved Body

Lay back and let go as you journey to appreciate your body and activate your cells to become the body of your best self.

This session you will open yourself up to healing the beliefs and harsh thoughts that hold you back, and empower your best self to come forward and thrive in the beautiful template already within you.

By holding the vision of your best self, knowing it’s possible, and feeling the exhilaration you can manifest it into the physical. So take this journey to activate this within yourself and love your body.

Visit the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records hold details from all our experiences in all of our past lives, and can even provide us wisdom for our current incarnation.

If you're on a personal journey on a quest for answers, then this session allows you to take a peek into your Akashic Records, and ask your questions.

The Akashic Records are like a Quantum Google. They hold the record of everything and everybody. All of your thoughts and actions, of this life and past lives. Your Souls blueprint is stored here. The answers to all your questions lay in waiting.

It is also a place of great healing, and learning. Where we receive the energy, and feel the guidance come through.

Connect To Your Angels

Our Angels are always watching over us, protecting us. On this journey we will connect into their loving energy so that we can become attuned to it and notice it more in our everyday lives.

Bring along your intentions and any questions you wish to ask your Angels support in.

If you have a favourite crystal or other special items you'd like to attune the angel energy to, bring it along,

Inner Child Healing

Is there a part of you that feels stuck, unfulfilled, unloved?

When was the last time you checked inwardly with yourself?

Perhaps your Inner Child needs some nourishment, and deserves some love.

Join in a powerful healing session with techniques for reconnecting with your inner child and bring healing to them.

Whatever maybe going on in your life amidst the craziness in the world around you, this inner child healing session can help you find peace, joy, and fulfillment. So why wait? 

Manifest Your Future Self

Do you know who it is you want to Be and want to know how to get there?

Wouldn't it be great if you could nip into the future and ask yourself this very question?

Well here is an opportunity for you to do so.

Let Becky guide you through meditation into the quantum field to connect in with a future version of yourself. Who is it that you want to become?

We will journey through their life to gain valuable insights and guidance about your life’s journey.

You will find answers and inspiration to move your life towards where you want to be.

Meet Your Spirit Guides

We all have spirit guides and spirit animals, often several at a time. In this session we will journey to the astral realms to meet one of your guides. You will have the opportunity to speak with them and seek guidance or travel together.

During this session you just lie back and open your mind to receive. You will be guided to the astral planes by Becky, and connect in with your guide.

In preparation for the session spend time in advance writing down questions to ask during the journey.

Speak To Loved Ones

We often feel the presence of our loved ones around us and wish to speak them again, and we can.

In this session we will raise our vibration and connect into the energy of those beyond the veil to tell them what we have longed to.

You will be guided on a beautiful journey, bring along your messages you wish to share and have an open heart to receive.

You may like to bring an item of the loved one with you to hold an further connect into their energy.

Third Eye Activation

During this session we will open our third eye and see through the inner window of our soul. What is it you will see? When we open the door to higher consciousness we receive guidance, we can manifest easily, we play with our infinite potential.

Your future awaits and is by your design.

Chakra Activation

During this session we will be activating the 7 major chakras, and our soul star chakra to open up and receive  insights and messages from Source.

Then we can tune into and open our Soul Star Chakra, our connection to Source, to see what messages, insights, and downloads come through for you.

Leave feeling aligned and energised with inspired action channelled by you.

Call In Your Soulmate

This journey seeks to manifest soulmates and open hearts to receive love and abundance.

All yourself to be guided as you set intentions and release any beliefs that block love from blossoming.

Journey into the quantum to see your highest timeline and call in the opportunities to set you on a path of fun and fulfilment.

Let love come to you.

Attract Abundance

This journey will raise your vibration as we visit the quantum field and access your most abundant timeline. 

What does an abundant life mean to you? It is far more than just money, the middle man, it is the end feeling and experience you are seeking. Let’s discover it and call it to you.

Bring along your goals and we’ll plant them in the quantum field for them to flourish.

"You already have all the answers within you.

Come and seek some keys, and a guide to access your own wisdom"

Your Guide, Becky

Becky has studied, trained, and practiced over many years, and blends together a range of modalities into her own protocols. All sessions are run intuitively to serve the client for their needs at that time, and are directed by what is presented to the client on their journey. 

In person sessions will include crystal singing bowls, which raise your vibration, and the effects are elevated by the rays of Tesla Metamorphosis Healing. 

Sessions are always with the loving intention for you to connect deeper with your soul self.

Becky is trained in many modalities:

Master NLP Practitioner

Master Life Coach

Master Hypnotist (Conscious Hypnosis)

Multiple Brain Integration Techniques Coach

Emotionally Intelligence Teams facilitator

Personality Profiling 

Tesla Metamorphosis Healer

Sound Therapist

Light Language Channeller

Book a FREE Soul Connection Call

Let's see if our souls are a match to integrate your Higher Self into everyday life.


Keep in touch with guidance, news and events.

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Soul Significance

Wynnum, QLD, 4178

(+61) 0467 586 039


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