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 Launching Soon 

Online Group Membership for Quantum Growth & Manifestation

3+ monthly live trainings, tools and journeys into the Quantum

The Program

Each month there will be 4 LIVE zoom sessions.

Membership can be cancelled at any time.

Finer details are still be confirmed, but we are looking at an exchange of less than AUD$50 per month.

Launch date in TBA

 Monthly Content 

Check out the great value you'll receive as a

Quantum Creators Club member

Quantum Journeys

Each month there will be a live guided journey into the Quantum Field to sow the creative seeds and manifest your goals.

We will be meeting your past, future, and multidimensional selves to draw on their skills and integrate them into the present.  Plus working with your guides, money mages, and other masters to assist you.

Tools & Techniques

Monthly live session sharing self help tools, energy practices, rituals, techniques, and more to help you raise your consciousness, find your flow, and master your own vibration.

Live Q&A Session

Each month there will be an opportunity to ask your questions live in a group call. You may want to find out more in regards to the previous sessions that month, share blockages you're having, or simply be curious about something.  

Monthly Healings & Light Language Activations

Add your name to the list to be included in the monthly distant healing session. And, tune into the the Facebook Lives to receive Light Language activations. 

Monthly Social Meet Up

There will be an opportunity to join a group Zoom and connect with other like-minded souls, share your experiences, find your tribe, and more.

This session will be open to the public. 

Private Facebook Community

Join the private community (members only) and receive more tips, education, and Facebook Lives from the team.

Monthly Newsletter

See what's coming in the month ahead and a review of the past month. Extra tips and information will be shared.

Discounts on other events

As a Quantum Creator Club member, you will receive discounts on Masterclasses and live events hosted by Soul Significance in Brisbane.

 About QCC 

Why join Quantum Creators Club?

What is this club about?

Quantum Creators Club is a space for you to find your soul self, grow spiritually, and raise your consciousness to the 4th and 5th Dimension.

The ultimate aim is to reach your soul-self potential and be the creator of your life, making goals happen, and getting out of the 3D matrix.

This club is to enable you to step into your own power and to be equipped with tools and techniques that you can call upon yourself, and even share with others. 

What are Quantum Journeys?

We will work in the Quantum field in a number of ways. One to manifest and another to bring forward insights and learnings to get us towards our goals.

Working in the Quantum is largely the use of imagination and intention, plus some other secret ingredients. It's very much like a guided meditation and similar to visiting the astral and higher realms. 

How did the club come about?

QCC came to Becky as a download from the Quantum Field itself.

As a Wayshower, Becky is here to show others the way by means of example and lived experience.

Becky is joining the dots to understand how many different spiritual teachings intertwine, and how to blend spirituality with science to make it more tangible to those that think it's 'woo woo'.

Having spent many years training and doing her own research to identify tools that work, Becky has created her own methods and protocols, and is called to share this with others, so that they may raise their vibration, which in turn uplifts the whole of humanity and the planet.

Becky is a master practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnosis and coaching. A trained Multiple Brain Integration practitioner, Emotional Intelligence coach, Relationship coach, Tesla Metamorphosis Healing and Tesla Soul Communication, Reiki, Sound Healing, Ho'oponopono, and many other spiritual practices. She has 20 years experience in the field and channels Light Language, and her master guide, Ullriah


We would love to hear what topics interest you.

Complete the survey below to register topics of interest,  days/times you prefer to meet, how much you would value the membership, and register your name and email for when the program launches.

Or, go straight to the Register your interest form below to enter your details without filling in the survey.

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What interests you

Tell us what topics are of interest to you. You may pick as many as you like


Note here any other topics of interest

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Share your preferred days and times

Days and times are set to Brisbane, Australia (AEST)

Share your details to be notified when QCC launches

Details will not be shared but you will receive emails in relation to QCC

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Register your interest

If you have completed the above survey you DO NOT need to fill in this form

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Book a FREE Soul Connection Call

Let's see if our souls are a match to integrate your Higher Self into everyday life.


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Soul Significance

Wynnum, QLD, 4178

(+61) 0467 586 039


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